Happy New Year to you!
Whether you make New Year’s Resolutions or not, it’s the perfect time to take stock and think about how you could improve your life, what you could do differently this year and maybe set yourself some goals for the coming months.
2021 was a difficult year for many people, translators included, with the challenges of both the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit, global supply shortages and economic uncertainty. We’ve made it through and have a shiny new year stretching out ahead of us. What will you make of it?
Along with my friends and colleagues I’m busy planning for the return to work and setting my sights on new objectives for the year. I was absolutely honoured to be put forward last year as the next French Honorary Consul in Liverpool and am waiting to find out if I’ve been appointed. Born and bred in Liverpool, I am proud of the city and feel that Merseyside has so much to offer. At the same time, it would be a real pleasure to represent France and assist French citizens living in Merseyside, Lancashire and Cumbria.

I’m a big believer in the principle of Carpe Diem, seizing opportunities when they arise, and will be thrilled if this is the next step for me. If not, well it was a genuine privilege to be nominated. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with the current Honorary Consul and listen to his reflections on his time in the role and the unforgettable experiences he has had, in his words “because of saying yes so many years ago”. Maybe we should all practise saying “Yes!” a bit more?
Coming back down to earth, I’m going to work on improving my office set-up (standing desk anyone?) and reaching out to forge new partnerships, along with enjoying more CPD.
Continuing Professional Development is incredibly enriching, not just professionally but on a personal level in terms of challenge, satisfaction and generally keeping my brain happy. Highlights in 2021 included:
expanding and consolidating my knowledge of Champagne production and becoming certified by the French Comité Champagne; and
enrolling on a Contract Law course with the University of Geneva which I’m looking forward to continuing this year.
I can feel the call of another qualification but I’m not sure quite what to choose yet. Let me know what you are planning for your CPD or continuing education this year, I’d love to hear from you!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy of course, remember to look at the bigger picture of your overall health and well-being. Make time this year for self-care, family, relaxation and exercise. Your mental health will thank you!
I love getting out into the fresh air with my dogs, there’s nothing like standing on top of a sand dune gazing out to sea with the wind blowing all your cobwebs away. It’s a real reset and is my favourite way to reconnect with nature (plus it keeps my canine office assistants happy too).

Whatever your plans for the year ahead, I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022!